Meeting Information

Thursday June 13, 2024
COGC Meeting
Program to be determined.

What: Monthly meeting of California Organic Garden Club. We ask that everyone who attends be vaccinated.

When: Thursday June 13, 2024, 7:00 – 9:30 pm. All live meetings will be held on Thursdays going forward.

Where: Woman’s Civic Club of Garden Grove 9501 Chapman Ave., Garden Grove, CA – East Room

How: Bring items for share table – plants, produce, garden tools, garden books, seeds, pots. Please label plants. Members who bring items to share will have their name added to pot and will have first pick.

Members whose last name begins with N thru Z are asked to bring a snack to share. Coffee, tea and water will be provided.

Agenda: 6:30 – 7:00 pm Set up. Help set up tables chairs and organize refreshment table.

7:00 – 7:30 pm: Members and guest check in and have a snack. Pay membership dues if you have not paid for 2024. Members with last names beginning with N thru Z please bring a snack or dessert to share.

7:30 – 8:00 pm: Brief business meeting. Plans for club, financial report. Members can voice suggestions or concerns.

8:00 – 9:00 pm Program:
Program to be determined

25 thoughts on “Meeting Information

  1. wondering if you have a group that encourages homeowners and schools to do tree planting to help cool the town? Am very interested in helping with this if possible. Any Garden Club interest?


    • Sorry, Michael, I can’t help with the black bamboo. But I would like some cuttings from your Kaffir lime. Could you bring me some, please? Thanks, Martha


  2. “Hi Cindi-here’s a foto of our Fuerte avocado tree.  I just measured the height @ 10 feet.  Wanted to know about pruning the tree, and how that affects avocado production.
    Thanks, Tim”
    This comment is from a longtime friend.
    Will someone please respond to the question?
    Thank you,


    • Hi Tim, I have a Fuerte Avocado tree that was about 15’ high when I bought my home 24 years ago. I have never pruned it as it seems as though Nature has her own way of doing it for me. I occasionally lose upper sections on a regular basis during heavy winds and the tree always springs back. I have noticed that when I lose a large section that the next crop is less abundant. In all of the years I’ve had the honor of hosting this tree, there have only been two in which I had fewer than a couple dozen avocados. My avocados are ready in October and I still have them on my tree to enjoy as I write this. It provides for me at a minimum of half the year. I know that my method is not a professional one…however it works for me and my needs. Good luck with your tree. In my opinion they are the best Avocados and need minimal care. By the way my neighbor has an avocado tree and there are always bees and hummingbirds in my yard which help with pollination.


  3. Does it make sense to have the monthly meetings online?

    If yes, then please post links/change/edit above post.

    I’m thinking any of these probably work: FB and IG and YT Live, Zoom. WHAT DO U THINK ABOUT THIS IDEA?


    • Hi Kev, We have recently moved out meetings to Zoom! We are allowing guests to check us out, but encourage membership! If you’d like more information please feel free to email me and I can get you set up with the details.


    • Hi Kev, We recently started out meetings on Zoom! We are currently allowing guests to check us out, but we always encourage membership, please Email me if you’d like more details. Thanks!


  4. I do a lot of herb and vegetables gardening. I would like to join. My tomatoes keep losing their buds. I can’t find any of the bud set spray.


    • Hi Brenda, There are many reasons why a tomato might not set fruit or drop buds, Can you tell me more about the plant? Does it have any other indicators that something might be wrong? Or is it’s growth green and great, but still dropping flowers. Thanks


  5. I picked up a flyer at the farmers’ market in Cypress and am interested in your organization. I currently have a tomato plant and two strawberry plants that are under attack by a pest, but I don’t know what is attacking, or how to safely get rid of the pests. Is there someone who can take a look at some photos I took and help me determine what to do?


    • Hi Colleen, If you need some help with your strawberries feel free to email me with your photos and I will do my best to assist you. thank you.

